Canada Geese

by Margaret on March 29, 2016


A lovely sunny afternoon seemed a perfect time to me to check out the progress of the lake ice melt on Meech Lake at its outlet.  I hadn’t expected much snow on the O’Brian ski trail because of the rainstorm yesterday, Easter Monday, but was quite surprised with how much there was.  The trail was solid snow with no ground peeking through.  However, by the time I arrived it was early afternoon and the snow had softened and was slow slogging, even with Yaktraks on my boots.

These two characters surprised me as Kody and I walked along what I think is called Wilson Pond (the small lake just before the abandoned Wilson Carbide Mill).  They had been invisible on the shore and suddenly uprooted themselves to walk out on the shore ice to the water’s edge to do some pruning.  It took a lot of control to keep Kody calm and a fair bit of patience to remain still for a photo until they stood and walked around a bit.  Pruning apparently takes a long time.

And what beauties they are. It doesn’t matter how many times I encounter these regal birds they totally captivate me, and especially so in this peaceful transition setting.  Sadly (for me), my maximum zoom is a 200mm lens so these photos have been cropped substantially, affecting the quality, but certainly good enough for memories.


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