Spring Runoff

by Margaret on April 10, 2016


I enjoy the excitement I experience from high runoff in the spring, which it was early this past week as I hiked along the O’Brian Trail (#36).  The first indication of flow level is the outflow of Meech Lake as it flows into Little Meech Lake.  On one of my hikes the flow was so high you could barely see the weir it was flowing over. Surprisingly though the flow was significantly decreased after our 25cm snowfall and cold nights.  I was pleased that on the day I was there with my camera the flow over the weir presented itself like a beautiful flowing curtain.  I expect the levels will increase yet again as all the snow we received this past week melts in the hills.

A change in flow level was also evident at the Wilson Carbide ruins situated at the head of Meech Creek; higher earlier in the week and considerably reduced after our snowfall.   The view here is quite striking with the water flowing over the cliffs of the falls and creating a myriad of shapes of ice formations on the structures within splashing distance.

From a photographic perspective I’m still working on finding the shutter speed for flowing water that satisfies my eye. If only all water flowed at the same speed then it would be easier for me!

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