Ice Edge

by Margaret on April 20, 2016


Today was such a glorious day – 15C and clear blue sky – so I couldn’t resist going to the Gats  yet another day this week, but this time with my camera and Kody.  I was curious about how Pink Lake was advancing into spring.  This is a very special place for me as during my childhood we had numerous family picnics here so I often come here just to sink into how the place ‘feels’ and connect with those memories.  When I was younger the Gatineau Parkway didn’t exist so we had to hike in from Notch Rd, which is what did today as the parkway isn’t open yet for the summer season.

I hadn’t expected the ice on the lake to be almost gone, but it was, with only a small amount on the south west edge of the lake persisting.  With the day being so clear and the sky so blue I found it striking to see the contrast between the ice edge and the reflections in the open water.  I found I was attracted to both a wide angle view, including the whole lake and a closer view of the ice edge illuminating the reflections of the cedars in the water


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