The Lush Forest

by Margaret on May 26, 2016


Today we walked from the MacDonald Road (#40) to Western Lodge and couldn’t help but be struck by how lush and green the forest is.  This first photo was taken along #24 as it slowly climbs up to Ridge Road.  I’ve been researching the original names of the ski trails and was so delighted when last week I found a new map that included both the historical  names and the new numbering system for the trails.  I say “new” numbering system, but its not really ‘new’ as the names were removed from the trails in the 1980s because of the language concerns in the Province of Quebec.  However, there are many of us that are determined to not lose that history, so I was delighted when I discovered the map at Map World.   I was surprised however that trail #24 doesn’t have a name!

Today, the Trillium were still visible but turning to pink as they start their journey into the hot summer.  Many other wild flowers abound, which I can’t always name, so if someone can name this lovely white cluster I’d appreciate that.


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