Meech Lake

by Margaret on May 31, 2016


Kody and I escaped the strong head winds on Meech Lake today by exploring the creek between Meech Lake and Lac Mousseau (Harrington Lake).  A cacophony of sounds floated in the air as we approached the windless marshy area.   As we paddled along a turtle sunning on a log ahead of us slid into the water, a beaver poked out from an earthen bank and sprinted across our path, and a Canada Goose nose dived us.   Oh how I wish I knew how to manage an excited dog, a kayak and, a camera all at the same time.  Clearly, if I want to take my dog along with me, then I’m not going to capture action shots!

What was so striking was the greenness of it all in such variety and texture.  How I wish I knew the names of all the foliage:  all that I can remember is Sweet Gale which was plentiful.  I’ll return here again to see the seasonal changes.

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