Ferns, Ferns Everywhere

by Margaret on June 14, 2016


It must be the height of the season for ferns because the trails this week felt more like tunnels through ferns.  The ferns have been thriving with the recent cool nights and relatively cooler days recently: the ground is overgrown everywhere with the lush green from the spring ferns.  The  ground, which was bare just recently,  now is lush and green and vibrant everywhere.  I hadn’t appreciated the variety of ferns before the spring (I guess I just didn’t pay attention) so am taking on an intention for this summer to capture as many ferns with my camera in the next few weeks before they start to fade in colour and turn brown at their tips.

Here are a few photos from along the MacDonald (#40) and McKloskey (#2) Trails.  The first is the beautiful Maiden Hair Fern with its delicate spiral pattern at its tip that captures the eye as you walk by. For the second and third photos I believe the fern is Sensitive Fern, but I don’t know the name of the beautiful white flower, so if someone can help me I’d appreciate it very much.

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