I’m always curious enough about the sunrise to get up early to see if its worth taking photos, and while I’m often disappointed in the sunrise there’s always something that is beautiful and ready to be photographed. And that’s what happened earlier this week when Harry Nowell, my photography mentor, and I were in the Laurentians for our photography outing. Up early to capture the sunrise but captivated more by the mood created by the fog over the boggy lake. It had an eerie otherworldly atmosphere as the fog gradually lifted and revealed the landscape around and in the bog. I heard what I thought were footsteps of a large animal in the woods, the birds began their chorus encouraging the sun to rise and a lovely doe was nearby peacefully foraging in the woods. A time to feel alive as the morning broke. Definitely a moment to recall Cat Steven’s song, “Morning has broken”. So, in addition to sharing some photos of the early morning fog I’d also like to share the beautiful words to this song.
Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing
Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world
Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Mine is the sunlight
Mine is the morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise ev’ry morning
God’s recreation of the new day
Morning has broken