In Beauty I Walk

by Margaret on February 8, 2018

These words were ringing in my ears as I skied in the Gats this week.  On three different occasions I was able to take advantage of perfect skiing conditions – fresh snow, moderate temperatures, sunshine and blue sky.  What more could I want?    It felt like I was in a cathedral surrounded by beauty and reminded me of chanting evenings with Barclay MacMillan at St. Luke’s church on Somerset St when he would have us walk around the sanctuary chanting, and this was one of our favorite chants:

In beauty I walk
With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It is all beauty.  It is all beauty.

Beauty is all around us, for us to see and appreciate, even in our everyday walking.  Here are some photos of the beauty I connected with this week in the Lac Philippe area of the Park.

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