Reflections From Spring Skiing

by Margaret on March 22, 2018

For me spring skiing always brings mixed emotions – overwhelming joy with the beauty along with grief over the imminent loss of the snow season.  I just so love all the activities that winter snow allows, and especially the skiing, so at this time of year I experience such a sense of loss with it on its way out.

Early this morning before going off skiing I read a post on Facebook by a favourite author of mine – Parker J. Palmer.  His post was so timely for me: it was about spring and the security that the predictable nature of our four seasons brings those of us who live in this part of the world.  Reading his post and his associated Blog musing on the season of spring, helped get me in touch with my feelings of loss.  I saw that at this time of year I focus on the loss, the loss of the familiar and in doing so totally overlook the beauty of our seasonal transformations and the gifts of the next season.  When I arrive ‘in’ the next season only then am I open to fully embracing and experiencing it.

So this morning when I was skiing I embraced Savouring the beauty of this stage of winter, rather than Grieving over its imminent loss, and this new attitude made all the difference for me.

This quote from Parker resonated with me:

“My life keeps going thru changes parallel to those (of the seasons)—though the timing of my inner seasons is a lot less predictable than nature’s calendar!” I’m wondering if my new attitude of Savouring might even help me with the journey of my inner seasons?

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