Creek Wading

by Margaret on June 2, 2018

The main object of this evening’s outing was to familiarize Callum with water.  On our recent hikes I’d observed he was quite timid about creek crossings, so wanted to help him connect with and express his heritage (Retriever = water dog ) with some familiarization outings.

This evening we explored a stretch of Chelsea Creek between Old Chelsea and Hendrick Farms.  I’d been here a week before and was disappointed to see the water level had dropped since then: I had hoped to coax Callum out beyond his depth to see if he’d connect with his instinct to swim. So wearing my tall rubber boots we set out wading in the middle of the creek, clamouring up and down steep banks, throwing sticks and always, softly encouraging him.  It was such fun feeling like a kid again, just exploring.  I’m thinking it was fun for him as well, as when we returned to the car he trotted along and jumped up on his own into the back of the SUV, something he’s been reluctant to do.  This journey with my dear dog, is stretching me a bit:  relaxing and allowing him to approach all these new experiences in his own way and with his own timing.

The evening light was so soft and colourful I regretted not having my cameras, but these iPhone photos taken while precariously perched on slippery rocks do manage to capture the beauty of this stretch of the creek.

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