Autumn: A Season of Promise

by Margaret on October 17, 2018

I am so grateful for Parker J. Palmer’s Facebook post last week, Autumn, A Season of Paradox.  It’s helped me a lot with the way I hold this season.  Yes, autumn is a season of exhilarating beauty as I’ve been experiencing on my recent hikes taking photos.  But as he also says, it’s a season when some feel melancholy.  I can’t say that its exactly melancholy that I feel in autumn, but I do feel a sadness about the endings:  the endings of summer, the long days, and the lush growth.  And, then there’s all the falling leaves.

What I loved about his post is that he transformed my concept of ‘endings’.  He turned it all into promise.  “All the “falling” that’s going on out there is full of promise.  Seeds are being planted and leaves are being composted as earth prepares for yet another spring.”

His encouragement is to embrace both as nature’s great truth of our hidden wholeness.

Here is a link if you’d like to read his article that he referred to in his Facebook Post :

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