The Spectacular in the Ordinary

by Margaret on November 12, 2018

It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I experience a seasonal change – every time it feels as if it’s the first time.  My friend Jo-Ann and I were hiking with our dogs in my favourite area, Carman and Brown Lakes and  excitedly taking photos of ice forming on the shore of the lake and observing the light cover of snow over rocks on the trail and speculating if she’d be skiing tomorrow. And then we came to an area where low lying water had frozen trapping beautiful fall coloured leaves. You’d have thought we’d never seen this phenomenon before as we put our dogs in a ‘sit/stay’ while we played with our cameras to capture this beauty.

This is what I love about hiking, skiing or snowshoeing in the Gatineau Park through all the months of the year.  I love experiencing the spectacular in the ordinary seasonal transitions.  My wish is that I continue for the rest of my days, being struck with awe by leaves frozen in water as we were today.

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