Creeks Don’t Lie

by Margaret on March 2, 2019

Today is an in between day, weather-wise.  Last week we had an Arctic freeze followed by spring-like pouring rain. Right now, we have lows at almost at -20C yet trending to warmer days.  I feel jerked around by it all.

This morning as I hiked the Lauriault trail I was drawn to the creeks – would they be open as early harbingers of spring or still solidly frozen over? I found them frozen over, but they couldn’t hide the fact that they’d been open with the warmer rainy weather, the false spring temperatures.  The sound of the burbling flow from underneath the ice cover was delightful to hear.  The clearness of the ice indicated recent formation, and its solidness from the cold temperatures was evident from the variety of animal tracks criss-crossing its winding path.   So much activity along a creek yet sadly the banks wouldn’t support me approaching closely.

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