Early Fall Colours

by Margaret on September 17, 2019

I love walking Burma trail at any time of the year, and I especially love skiing it.  Yesterday however, there was an added charm to our hike, that of discovering the first emergence of the colours – some so subtle and every now and then a vibrant splash.  The early signs of the season moving onward were everywhere – such a variety of colourful berries on bushes, grasses starting to turn yellow on their tips, and mud in dry swamps ready for the fall rains.  I look forward to being out there over the next 6 weeks or so, experiencing each week’s transition to full fall colour and the eventual leaf cover on the ground. As with the spring, each week brings an unfolding of its splendour to view.

Here are just a few photos – we were rather busy checking out berries and plants along the way.

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