
by Margaret on May 16, 2020


The last time I was in the Gatineau Park was March 23, 2020.  I had planned on going spring skiing the next day as it would be sunny and warm, and the snow cover was still solid.  Sadly, the Park was closed to any use on Monday March 23, at 9 pm that evening and I never got my last spring ski outing.  Like many people, I lost my sanctuary during this Covid-19 lockdown period and had to find other ways to enjoy life and the outdoors.  I’ve spent the past 3 weeks creating an album of my Gatineau Park photos and, it was so therapeutic and inspiring reconnecting with my outings from the past 2 ½ years.  I completed the album this morning and I can’t wait until I receive the printed copy.

So, what are my impressions after being immersed in this Covid-19 project?    I recall feeling during that period that I didn’t get out in the Park enough, and yet, I made 245 postings either on my Blog or Facebook, with 750 photos.  Clearly, “enoughness” is a state of mind and I should reconsider that story.  I also learned that while I thought having a new puppy during the time was holding me back, the truth is that Callum turned out to be a real trooper, not only accompanying me on most of my outings but proving to be a real outdoor dog and companion during those times. I so look forward to more outings with him, once the Park opens up again.  There is hope, as the Quebec government will lift the current restrictions preventing Ontario residents form entering the province on Victoria Day.

If you’d like to have a peak at my album, here is the link:

This is my favourite memory, the first hike with Callum.

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