Gatineau Park Fall Colours Report #1.

by Margaret on September 30, 2021

It’s been a month since hiking due to foot surgery a month ago, so to ‘take the pulse’ of the state of the colours I drove the parkways and checked favourite spots, here and there along the route.  The colours that were present stood out beautifully because it was a dull, rainy day which  enhances colours.  But the colours were just starting so  green was the predominant colour everywhere.

Here are a few samples of the state of colours on September 29th.

Pretty well all green at Fortune Lake:


And the same at Champlain Lookout, on the escarpment, facing south, with a small splash of colour:


A bit more colour in a wet land along the Fortune Parkway:


A bit of colour emerging on another south facing ridge at the pond near P8:


And a wild splash of colour in the swamp opposite that pond.  Go figure, it sure looks out of place:


And lastly,  something that simply caught my eye:






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